David Carpenter

David Carpenter

Head of Irradiation Engineering
Group Leader, Reactor Experiments


Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2010
S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2006
S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2006

Research Interests

  • Development of innovative facilities and data acquisition for in-core irradiation testing of fuel and materials.
  • Light water reactor fuel and cladding development including modeling and irradiation studies.
  • Materials characterization, especially with regards to radiation damage and corrosion.

Recent Publications

Findings of the Second Round of Fluoride Salt High Temperature Reactor Materials Irradiation Tests at the MIT Research Reactor, D. Carpenter, M. Ames, G. Kohse, Y. Ostrovsky, and L. Hu, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants: ICAPP (2015).

Status of the Fluoride Salt High Temperature Reactor Materials Tests at the MIT Research Reactor, D. Carpenter, M. Ames, Y. Ostrovsky, G. Kohse, and L.-W. Hu, Conference Proceedings of the European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM) (2015).

Fluoride Salt High-Temperature Reactor Materials Irradiation Test at the MIT Research Reactor, D. Carpenter, M. Ames, G. Kohse, Y. Ostrovsky, and L. Hu, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants: ICAPP (2014).

Characteristics of Composite Silicon Carbide Fuel Cladding After Irradiation Under Simulated PWR Conditions, J.D. Stempien, D.M. Carpenter, G. Kohse, and M.S. Kazimi, Nuclear Technology 183, 13 (2013).

In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Uranium-Zirconium Hydride Fuel, K.A. Terrani, M. Balooch, G. Kohse, D. Carpenter, L. Hu, M.K. Meyer, and D. Olander, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 106, 1303 (2012).

Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of LWR Hydride Fuel Irradiation Experiment in MITR, S.J. Kim, D. Carpenter, G. Kohse, K. Terrani, and L.W. Hu, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 106, 1247 (2012).


  • Infinite Mile Award, MIT Offices of Provost and Vice President for Research, and Dean for Graduate Education, 2015.
  • Outstanding Student Service Award, MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering Department, 2007–2008.
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering Department, 2006–2007.
  • Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, Associate Member.
  • Travel to STAIF 2007 conference awarded by Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Nuclear Technology Programs Office for work performance.
  • U.S. Department of Energy 2005 Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) Graduate Fellowship.
  • 1st place MIT 6.270 Autonomous Robot Design Competition, 2005.