The Nuclear Reactor Laboratory is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Han and Joseph Jerkins have passed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Reactor Operator (RO) Licensing Exam and Peggy Watson-Brownell and Alex Kingsbury have passed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) Licensing Exam, an achievement possible through hard work and dedication.
Elizabeth Han is currently an MIT senior in the Mathematics Department and Joseph Jerkins is currently an MIT sophomore in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department.
Peggy spent 12.5 years in the U.S. Navy’s Nuclear Power Program as a Nuclear Electronics Technician. She served as a Reactor Operator and supervisor onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Harry S. Truman then went on to be a Process Technician at Maclean Power Systems in Trenton, TN before joining the NRL in August 2018.
Alex spent 13 years as a nuclear electronics technician in the Navy, serving aboard fast attack submarines in Norfolk, VA and Groton, CT. His last post was assisting in the construction, testing, and commissioning of the USS Colorado before joining the NRL in July 2018.