August 13, 2021
MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory and Idaho National Laboratory jointly appoint Dr. Sacit Cetiner to lead Center for Reactor Instrumentation and Sensor Physics
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sacit M. Cetiner as the scientific director of the newly established joint MIT and INL Center for Reactor Instrumentation and Sensor Physics (CRISP). CRISP will function as a technology innovation, development and maturation hub by connecting experts from diverse organizations to devise solutions for sensing and instrumentation, and to test these systems under irradiation. The goal of CRISP is to advance the current state of automation in nuclear systems. Dr. David Carpenter of the NRL will share responsibility for the operation of the center.
While leading CRISP, Dr. Cetiner will continue his role as the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) for the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Experiment I&C area. In this role, he is responsible for coordination of research and development activities led by national labs, universities and industry on several sensor concepts for deployment in the VTR cartridge loop experimental facilities. Development of the eddy-current flow meter (ECFM), in collaboration with Westinghouse, will be one of the initial VTR-related technology development activities for CRISP.
Dr. Cetiner will continue to be an INL employee in this new role. He comes to MIT and INL from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where he was a senior R&D scientist and served as the lead for the Modern Nuclear Instrumentation and Controls Group. Over the course of his career at ORNL, Dr. Cetiner led projects focusing on advanced reactor instrumentation and control system development. He also served as the technical lead for the Transformational Challenge Reactor Sensing and Controls Thrust.
“Dr. Cetiner has a wealth of experience in advanced nuclear instrumentation,” said Pattrick Calderoni, Measurement Sciences Department manager at Idaho National Laboratory. “We are confident that under Dr. Cetiner’s leadership, CRISP will become an important resource for the U.S. nuclear industry and research community.”
About INL:
INL is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory that performs work in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development. Day-to-day management and operation of the laboratory is the responsibility of Battelle Energy Alliance.
About MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory:
The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory is an interdepartmental center that operates a high-performance 6 MW nuclear research reactor known as the MITR. It is the second largest university research reactor in the U.S. and the only one located on the campus of a major research university. It is the only university research facility in the U.S. where students can be directly involved in the development and implementation of nuclear engineering experimental programs with neutron flux levels comparable to power reactors. The MITR is an indispensable resource for developing the workforce for the future of nuclear power.
CONTACTS: Sacit Cetiner, | David Carpenter, | Jacopo Buongiorno,