MITR In-Core Graphite Reflector Experiments

*Experiments funded by Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF)
**Experiments funded by other DOE programs, such as NERI, NEET, NEUP, GAIN, SBIR, STTR etc.

Experiment TitleEnvironmentIn-ServicePurpose of Experiments
Advanced Manufacturing Fuel Irradiation (AMFI)Fuel capsules at 650 °C (in 3GV6)2020Verifying the integrity of novel ceramic fuel compacts created using advanced manufacturing techniques by monitoring production of fission product gasses
Thermo-Electric Generator Irradiation (TEGI)Inert gas at 500 °C2020To generate electrical energy in-core using solid-state thermo-electric devices, and to monitor the performance in real-time during irradiation
Thermal Conductivity Probe Irradiation (TCP)*Inert gas, 360 °C2019Irradiation testing of advanced thermal conductivity measurement instrumentation
Advanced Cladding Irradiation (ACI)-Accidental Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Phase 2b**Water, 290 °C2019Corrosion and bond testing of SiC/SiC composite, and coated Zircaloy materials for accident tolerant fuel/advanced clad applications in PWRs – Westinghouse-led program
U of Pittsburgh Fiber Optic Experiment (PFOX)Inert gas, 600-650 °C2019Performance testing of multiple ultrasonic and fiber optic sensors under irradiation in inert gas.
Fluoride Salt 4 (FS-4)Graphite ReflectorInert gas, 700 °C2018Tritium permeation measurements with and without the presence of liquid lithium flouride-beryllium fluoride salt, and test of tritium barrier coating for the High Temperature Fluoride Salt Reactor. Also demonstrated the use of a “graphite vertical” position outside the core for high temperature neutron irradiations.
TREAT Instrumentation TestsAtmospheric air, 50 °C, Reactor power <100 kW, steady state and transient power conditions2017, 2018Transient Test Reactor (TREAT) instrumentation tests: neutron and gamma detectors including newly developed micro-pocket fission detectors with flux wires for benchmarking
Advanced Cladding Irradiation (ACI)-Accidental Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Phase 2**Water, 290 °C2017-2018Corrosion and bond testing of SiC/SiC composite, coated Zircaloy, and 3D printed alloy materials for accident tolerant fuel/advanced clad applications in PWRs – Westinghouse-led program
ULTRA 2*Inert gas, 450 and 750 °C2017Performance testing of multiple ultrasonic and fiber optic sensors under irradiation in inert gas
ACI-Shared Irradiation**Water, 290 °C2017Corrosion and bond testing of samples duplicating the HYCO test matrix (samples with n and γ exposure, γ exposure, and coolant exposure only) plus samples from Ceramic Tubular Products
Hybrid Composite (HYCO) ATF Clad IrradiationInert gas, 350 °C2016Irradiation of a large set of candidate high performance LWR clad materials for post-irradiation property testing
Fluoride Salt 3 (FS-3)**Inert gas, 700 °C2016Tritium transport measurements on SiC/SiC and graphite samples irradiated in liquid lithium fluoride-beryllium fluoride salt for the High Temperature Fluoride Salt Reactor. Samples from U.S. DOE program and Chinese Academy of Sciences
In-core Crack Growth Monitoring*Water, 290 °C2016Demonstration of actively loaded crack growth sample with real time crack length monitoring
Fluoride Salt 2 (FS-2)**Inert gas, 700 °C2014Corrosion and tritium transport measurements on SiC/SiC and metal coupons irradiated in liquid lithium fluoride-beryllium fluoride salt for the High Temperature Fluoride Salt Reactor IRP
ACI-Accidental Tolerant Fuel Phases 1A, 1B (ATF)**Water, 290 °C2014-2016Corrosion and bond testing of SiC/SiC composite, coated Zircaloy and “hybrid” clad samples for accident tolerant fuel applications in PWRS – Westinghouse-led program
ACI-BWR**Water, 290°C2013-2014Corrosion and creep testing on SiC/SiC BWR channel box coupons under BWR core conditions
ULTRA*Inert gas, 430 °C2013-2014Performance testing of multiple magnetostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic sensors under irradiation in inert gas
Fluoride Salt 1 (FS-1)**Inert gas, 700 °C2013Corrosion and tritium transport measurements on SiC/SiC and metal coupons irradiated in liquid lithium fluoride-beryllium fluoride salt for the High Temperature Fluoride Salt Reactor IRP
LUNA 2 (In-Core Sample Assembly – ICSA)**Inert gas, 800 °C2012Follow-on to LUNA 1 at higher temperature
LUNA 1 (ICSA)**Inert gas, 500 °C2012Evaluation of irradiation damage in fiber optic sensors manufactured by Luna Innovations Inc. for use as in-core temperature monitors
Hydride Fuel*Inert gas, 400 °C (clad)2011-2012Irradiation of novel liquid-metal bonded uranium-zirconium hydride fuel rods in Zircaloy-4 cladding for Light Water Reactor (LWR) applications
High-T ICSA irradiation of “Max Phases” **Inert gas, 300 – 800 °C2010-2011Irradiation of five different ternary carbides and nitrides of Ti for post-irradiation evaluation of properties with possible applications in high temperature gas reactors
Mo-99 IrradiationInert gas (~400 °C)2010 (Pilot)Evaluate thermal neutron activation (n, γ) production of Mo-99
High Temperature In-core Sample Assembly (ICSA)*Inert gas, to 900 °C2010Evaluate thermal design of capsule incorporating “gamma susceptor” for passively heated irradiations up to 900 °C
ACI*Water, 290 °C2009-2012Continued irradiation of tubing samples with addition of bonding specimens to evaluate end-cap bond processes
ACIWater, 290 °C2009Continued irradiation of clad tubing samples from previous ACI with addition of next generation, smaller diameter tubing
ACI**Water, 290 °C2006-2007Investigation of corrosion and mechanical property behavior of triplex SiC/SiC composite clad tubing under PWR conditions
High Temperature Irradiation Facility (HTIF)Inert gas, 800 – 1600 °C2005-2006Irradiation of SiC/SiC composites and surrogate TRISO fuel particles
Electrochemical Corrosion Potential (ECP)Water, 290 °C2004ECP measurement of in-core coolant and oxides to investigate mechanisms of shadow corrosion
Shadow Corrosion 2Water, 290 °C2004Phase 2 of 1999 Shadow Corrosion Loop
Annular Fuel**Inert gas, 300 °C (clad)2004Demonstration of vibro-packed, internally and externally cooled annular fuel under irradiation and test of manufacturing process
Alumina Fiber Composite Clad**Water, 295 °C2000Test of alumina-based ceramic fiber composites as potential cladding material under PWR conditions
Shadow Corrosion 1Water, 290 °C1999Test clad samples with various counter materials and gaps under BWR conditions to investigate shadow corrosion
Sensor IrradiationWater, 290 °C1994Test in-vessel detectors for Electrochemical Corrosion Potential (ECP) and crack growth rate and investigate crack arrest by hydrogen water chemistry
Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC)Water, 290 °C1990Test effects of coolant chemistry on Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC) of BWR alloys
BWR Coolant Chemistry LoopWater, 290 °C1990Evaluate effect of chemical additives on N-16 carryover and benchmark radiolysis codes for Boiling Water Reactors (BWR)
PWR Coolant Chemistry LoopWater, 320 °C1989Measure effect of pH on corrosion product transport and ex-core radionuclide deposition to optimize Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) chemistry specifications